Our Puppy Guide Booklet
We want to give our clients as much info as we can to set them up to success in raising their puppy right and settling them into their new homes.
Caring for your puppy is a huge and incredibly important job.
The first year of your dogs life and growth is so critical to having a healthy happy dog that will live a long life.
FOOD: Some of the most important things in the care of your dog is ensuring you feed correct food. All of our dogs are started on Royal Canin Medium puppy. Its critical that your puppy is kept on Royal Canin medium puppy for the first year. We do not recommend feeding large breed dog food or German Shepherd food. Upon the advice from our vets the large breed food can grow pups too fast.
ACTIVITY: The amount of exercise that you do with your dog plays a huge role in your dogs growth. Excessive running, jumping, stairs etc can all have a huge impact on the growth of your dog.
TRAINING: Our pups are incredibly smart. They are very easy to train and fantastic at potty training right from the start. They love being a huge part of your life and will learn just about anything you teach them to do. Puppy classes are a great way to socialise your puppy and bond with you. Our pups thrive on doing anything you ask of them and love the challenges of training and learning new things.
Our commitment goes beyond just doing all the testing we can, we also support our clients. We are always here them for any questions you may have through the life of our dog with you.
We value our clients and we know the huge impact the correct raising of our pups after they leave us has on the longevity of the life of your dog. Raising a dog correctly is just as important as the testing we do and is crucial in growing a healthy dog. So our clients play a huge role in the success of our dogs and are pivital to our dogs having a healthy long life.
Some Snap Shots of our life